Blogger Widgets

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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

cinta facebook!


first of nk g tau,,asal aq x guna
sbb x mo ciplak edisite owq len,,,ade phamm?*hehex
actually,,aq nk ckp DIA dh pndai men fb,,hohoho
ingat reti men TWITTER  jer d0p??lucu,,
x sangka,,
ingatkn ari tu tpekik2 pggil aq kes nk ckp important things,,
lupa2 jez nk g tau yg dye da buat fb,,n tgh tunggu aq comfirm,,
nseb baek DIA tau aq dup ostel..hik3#

*thnx a lot sbb pham!!syang awak!!HAKAM!

Friday, 3 February 2012

phptoscape sya~

punyer lar bnyak thp ksabran aq nk meng'download'
menatang photoscape nim,,siap brpeluh sgala bgai,,x than dgn keringat yg bau mcm
ape ntah,,
*korang ade??#x dep kan>??
alhamdulillah,,terbaeek lah ngkor PHOTOSCAPE~
skang dlm proses nk meng'download' PHOTOSHOP plak,,
korang try r,,mmg krek r benda2 moden nim,,,
photoscape nii korang bleh nk edit update korang pnyerr gmbo,,!
photoshop plak korang bleh lar nk buat header log,,2h lar aq dok meng'download' menatang nii,,
sbb lau buat gna phtoscape,,x brapa chantek,,
tpi dua-dua sma mantoopp!!

comey x??mntopp,,!aq kn bdn redaksi will be,,
nii hsil meng'edit' gna photoscape!!


all the happen,,
come true,,
if u sight..
never change the donitor,,clon be mystery,,
and all of this is ANNOYING!
sjew jer nk cri psal kt blog,,
bile agi ann,,
so..first of all,,
nk ckp blog nie mmg x chantek,,
mcm muka longkang,,
btol x??
actually,,aq nk sngat cam NIKON dslr!
nk camwhore banyak2,,,korang nak??
msti lar kn,,sbb da puas n jmoh guna cam CANON,,sbb cam tu x leh nk zoom personally..
aq nk yg nim,,,bleh camwhore bnyak2,,korang ade?
#hahhha,,tinggi melangit ke awan biru